Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tikimentary - In search of the Lost Paradise ...

I recently came across some trailers for a short film tiled "Tikimentary" which went on to become a longer movie screened at the 2010 Hukilau. Tikimentary is
A road-movie searching for the ultimate Tiki experience. Take a trip through San Diego's Tiki Oasis, The Hukilau, in Fort Lauderdale and the Luau By The Lake, in fabulous Lake George. An intimate portrait of this new exotic urban tribe: the so-called "tikiphiles". They drink tropical drinks, dress in vintage clothes, listen to Exotica music, but most of all: are a big and colorful family. Starring: Tiki Kiliki, Otto Von Stroheim, Baby Doe, Marina The Mermaid, King Kukulele, Shag, Lenore "Tikilicious" & Steve Koppleman, Joe & Nicole Desmond, Harold Golen, Paul & Kelly Patterson, Suzanne Long, Sandy Future, Amy Eggers, Kiki Lenoue, David Lenoue.
Here are a couple of trailers to wet your appetite:

"The average person doesn't get it, they don't understand."

"Tiki casts a spell on you!"

"We are all looking for a paradise to escape to."

It was directed by Duda Leite, a Brazilian independent filmmaker currently living in São Paulo. He has directed some “cult” short films like “Serial Clubber Killer” (1994) Best Short Film at Mix Brazil, “Selma & Denise” (1995), “After the Fox” (1999) – Official Selection at OutFest in Los Angeles and Frameline Festival in San Francisco, and “Resmungo” (2002) which aired on MTV Brazil.The final version of the movie is currently available for watching on

Watch the Tikimentary.

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