Monday, September 26, 2011

Bye Bye Bar ...

With the tribe here on the one uninhabited Secret Island there's a lot less time for drinking and blogging! The once serene bamboo hut is now so littered with children's toys that a late night return from the bar in the dark became more hazardous than it might have been!

The tribe Chief decided that the bar had to go to create a Jungle Rumpus room where the savages could play to their hearts content. So it was with much sadness that the bar was listed on eBay. It was eventually won by someone living two hours away who baulked at the courier costs and wanted me to get a trailer from somewhere, wrap and pack it and deliver it thirty minutes away to a depot!... not likely! Incidentally it would have never seen another Mai Tai as it was going to have a cash register sat on it in a Bikini Shop!

If further proof was needed that a good attitude goes a long way in this world I've since let it go to someone else at a reduced cost who will at least give it some love. Turns out the new owner is one of Sydney's Casino Rumblers. Hope he enjoys the bar as much as I enjoyed the music!

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