Friday, October 29, 2010

Introducing Atomikitty...

Atomikitty or Susannah Mosher as she is more often known is a wonderful artist and here at the Secret Island we are lucky enough to have one of her pieces, "Flathead and Son" hanging proudly on the wall of the hut.

She is an illustrator (and Tiki Bartender!) with an interest in Tiki, Polynesian and Low brow art. She also has an interest, some might say obsession, in the humble coconut monkey. She set out to document her immense and ever growing collection of kool, kreepy, kitsch, COCONUT MONKEYS, paintings of which come together in the form of "The Coconut Monkey Project" - Her personal crusade to rehabilitate and provide a refuge for wayward coconut monkeys.... We're all behind you Atomikitty!

Website - Atomikitty

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