Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Sandbar ...

As Summer approaches and the weather starts to warm up here at on the Secret Island our very own Tiki Bar will start getting regular patrons! Now it may not be a Tiki Bar in the traditional sense, in fact the white ceiling would have many over at Tiki Central crying into their Mai Tais.

Its basically a collection of free roadside pick ups, thrift shop purchases, eBay moments of madness or donated items. My well known love of almost anything Bamboo or Rattan means that I'm often being offered new stuff which is ... well rude to refuse. It's also a spare room for guests at times ... not all appreciate having so many watchful wooden eyes!

It's been situated in three different spots in what is a very small hut (house!)but this is the biggest yet. During the day its a spot to hang out, shelter from the savages (kids!), chill out and listen to music...

... during the evenings ... well that's when it really comes to life! ;0)

It's constantly changing and being added to as I pick up more flotsam, jetsam and other Tiki cast offs. If you're ever ship wrecked on the Secret Island be sure to pull up a stool, a warm welcome is guaranteed.

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