Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Quiet Village Podcast ...

The Quiet Village is more than just a classic exotica track but also the working title of DigiTiki's (aka Mark Riddle)regular exotica podcasts. The Quiet Village features rare and vintage exotica recordings from yesterday and today and you can join Mark as your host, as he lets the records lazily spin on the phonograph. You could even prepare a Mai Tai to add to the experience, the sound of ice in his glass is a familiar sound alongside the tunes.

He also publishes detailed play lists to accompany each podcast. Such is the level of detail, quality of information and caliber of guests visiting the Quiet Village that a pencil and paper are as essential as the headphones! The news and music sections at make the shows and the website a most for any fan of exotica. Check it out...

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