Thursday, October 28, 2010

Viva Tiki Kate...

Poly Pop and Tiki Lifestyle is strange in the way that draws people together from all backgrounds and from every corner of the globe. It doesn't matter that you're the only person you know who insists on wearing Hawaiian shirts long after the holiday makers have dropped theirs off at the Op Shop, because you know from events and places like Tiki Central that there are people just like you out there. So when a community looses someone it is felt widely, even if most of those people never had the pleasure to meet them.

One such person was Tiki Kate who sadly passed away on Wednesday September 22nd. I never had the opportunity to meet her but felt a connection through her love of anything Tiki, Ooga-Mooga and contributions on Tiki Central. Humuhumu has put together a wonderful blog for Tiki Kate simply called Viva Kate!. Its a fantastic tribute to a terrific Tikiphile. Check out the blog and the wonderful urn she commissioned from Squid which has become known as "Her Last Tiki Mug."

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