Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tiki Farm Magazine ...

Keeping up to date with all the great new creations coming from Tiki Farm is tough ... as they pointed out in their latest newsletter they've been asked to create mugs for designers, restuarants and events across the world ... even those far flung places like Australia!!

To help out they are going to print with the very first copy of the Tiki farm Collectors magazine...

We decided the best way to keep all of our collectors “in the know” is with our new magazine. For years now, we’ve been fielding so many questions about “what’s coming out”, “what events are coming up”, “what artists are doing new mugs”, etc. We’ve been asked for years to do a magazine.

Also if you weren't able to get to any of the events held this year but still want the mug (and maybe a t shirt) then get down to the Farm today as the surplus stock is being sold now...

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